AM-230 Collie

This contemporary piece of art is an expertly crafted, multi-layered airbrush painting of a Collie. The image is a close-up, capturing the perfect shape and expressive features of the breed, rendered in 3D using vector tracing techniques. The Collie is presented on a clear background, free from gradients to maintain crispness.
Resolution: 8192x8192. Ratio 1:1
SKU: AM-230

Introducing a stunning airbrush painting of a Collie, expertly crafted using vector tracing techniques to create a contemporary 3D art piece.

The close-up of the Collie captures the perfect shape and expressive features of the breed, with no gradients used to maintain a clear and crisp image.
This multi-layered artwork is a beautiful illustration of the artistic interpretation of Laika, the cane.
The painting is presented on a clear background, making it the perfect addition to any room or office space.

This piece is a must-have for any dog lover or art collector.

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